Thursday, May 27, 2010


I have a plan. Maybe not a very good on, but I have a plan. And its name is: Stranded. Stranded is a story that I have written but is way too short to be a novel but way too long to be a short story. So, my plan.
I was thinking that I would get it onto a PDF file and set it up as a download for free as a gateway to my other work. I don't know if you read A Newbie's Guide to Publishing blog but J. A. Konrath did exactly what I'm planning to do and he's selling hundreds of copies of books a day.
So, to give you a synopsis of the story

Five men on Survivor, a space craft, are on the way to the nearest star. A failing economy on earth leads the U.S. to pull out of the mission. The team is stranded with twelve hours to live. One man who has a faith, two men who have lost their faith, and two who are just as ready to kill than breath.

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I've started taking a highlighter to my novel Prophecy and started my first edit. This is the first time that I have ever edited a novel, my previous novel was edited by someone else and so I was expecting something way different from what it really was. I was dreading it, hearing about the woes of editing on the net and all those other resources out there. But it's not that, it isn't that at all. It is enjoyable...yes, you heard me right, enjoyable.
So if any of you are writers out there who are about to enter the editing phase I will tell you: It is tedious, but it isn't burdensome. It is like taking off your backpack after a five mile long hike. It's very refreshing.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I've been tagged!

So I've been tagged! I have to post ten books I would love to live in.


Rise of the Dibor by Christopher Hopper
The Wrym Lord by Wayne Thomas Batson
Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith
Three by Ted Dekker
The Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkein
A Star Curiously Singing by Kerry Nietz
Starfire by Stuart Vaughn Stockton
The Strange Man by Greg Mitchell
Duncan's War by Douglas Bond
Gone by ???