Monday, June 21, 2010


Sorry for those of you who are reading this blog, it's been awhile since my last post. So, here is what has been happening.
I am 3 quarters done with NEW YORK, now titled DESTINED. It is at 65,000 now so I estimate it to be around 75k-80k words.
After that I have another idea for a story but that will have to wait. Right now I am just finishing up the school year, getting used to the idea that I get to sleep in.
Nothing else has really been happening, JulNoWriMo is coming up, not quite sure if I'm going to do that though.
But yeah, that's pretty much it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

For reasons I won't go into at the moment I have put The Third Year on hold and started on a project that I have been thinking about for a while now. The working title is New York.
The what if factor. I have been given advice to started a story with the what if factor for a story. I took that idea and used it. My result: What if you found New York city buried in an ice glacier two miles underground?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I have decide to make an update once a week for those of you who actually read my blog.

WIP: The Third Year
WC: 4,400
WG: 65,000

The Third Year,
What if a quaint world was invaded by demons? A small town in 1791 is invaded by 'aliens', or so they think. After the abduction of Jonathan, a seven year old boy, his sister must do everything she can to get him back. The town is under siege, the aliens blocking every exit with a laser-beam, she must find a way outside of town and toward Jonathan. But when a savage discovery leaves her helpless, will she turn toward God, or away?